Climate and environment events
Stormchasers conference
Moderator for a conference about stormchasers and safety with Serge Zaka & Stéphane Schmitt, for the International Weather and Climate Forum 2022 at Paris
May 2022
Host of a conference about jobs of the future
I have hosted a full day of interviews and conferences about future jobs related to energy linked to climate change solutions. With Enedis, Dalkia, Engie, Schneider Electric, Ariane Group, France Hydrogène.
March 2022
International conference/workshop
"Communicating climate change in the media", co-organized by : International Weather and Climate Forum, EUMETSAT, World Meteorological Organization and European Space Agency.
I have hosted a roundtable in English, for climate & weather experts from 90 countries.
June 2021
The Mountain Weather & Climate
Annual participation in the Mountain Weather & Climate Meetings with the main French-speaking players in weather, climate, the environment and renewable energies
A day of debating on climate mobilization
Participated in a day of debating on climate mobilization at the french Ministry of Ecological Transition, alongside Minister Nicolas Hulot